Unlicensed medicine is medicine that is not marketed in your country, but is marketed in another country. Unlicensed medicine is the answer, when patients are unable to get the best medical treatment with the products available in the country they live in. This service is often referred to as medicine on a ‘’named patient basis’’, ‘’compassionate use permit’’ or ”special permit”.
There are several reasons, why a particular product is unavailable to a patient in a particular country:
- The medicine is under development or undergoing clinical trials
- The medicine has been discontinued
- The medicine has not yet been marketed in the particular country
- The medicine is on drug shortage, either due to increased regularity or the pharmaceutical company is unable to keep up with demands
- The medicine only has effect on a small group of patients and is therefore only marketed in few countries
Specific Pharma has a special commitment to help improve the lives of all patients with unmet medical needs. We source human medicines as well as veterinary medicines. We work in close cooperation with healthcare professionals, local authorities, and our partners to provide patients with the medicine they need, fast.
Our global footprint and combined expertise in regulatory, quality, and logistics, helps you access the medicine you need at the right time. We provide tomorrow’s medicine today.